TherapyMantra - Leading Counseling Provider​ for Bipolar Disorder Counseling

Online Bipolar Disorder Counseling

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How can we help you?

Embark on a transformative journey with our compassionate team of Canadian professionals specialized in aiding individuals in overcoming bipolar disorder. Discover the profound impact of expert guidance, unwavering support, and empowering opportunities as you navigate through daunting challenges

Bipolar I Disorder
Bipolar II Disorder
Cyclothymic Disorder
Rapid Cycling Bipolar Disorder
Mixed Features Bipolar Disorder
Substance/Medication-Induced BP
Postpartum Bipolar Disorder

Convenient online therapy

With TherapyMantra, you don’t have to wait an entire week to talk to your therapist.

online therapy in canada

Creating an Empowering Atmosphere in Canada for Your Voice to Thrive


What is Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition characterized by extreme shifts in mood, energy, and activity levels. It involves alternating episodes of mania, where a person experiences heightened euphoria, impulsivity, and increased energy, and episodes of depression, marked by feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and low energy. Treatment often includes medication, therapy, and lifestyle adjustments to manage symptoms and promote stability.


This is what symptoms of bipolar disorder can look like...

  • Elevated mood or extreme irritability
  • Increased energy levels and restlessness
  • Racing thoughts and rapid speech
  • Decreased need for sleep
  • Impulsivity or reckless behavior
  • Persistent feelings of sadness/ hopelessness
  •  Loss of interest or pleasure in activities
  •  Fatigue, low energy, or changes in sleep
  •  Difficulty concentrating or making decisions
  • Changes in appetite or weight
  • Thoughts of death or suicide
  • Restlessness, pacing or fidgeting


When to seek treatment for Bipolar Disorder

You should consider treatment for your bipolar disorder when:

Severe Mood Swings
When intense shifts in mood significantly disrupt daily functioning.
Impulsive or Risky Behavior
Engaging in activities with potential harm or consequences.
Sleep Disturbances
Persistent insomnia or decreased need for sleep during manic episodes.
Suicidal Thoughts
When thoughts of self-harm or suicide arise.
Relationship and Work Issues
When bipolar symptoms strain personal & professional relationships.
Impaired Quality of Life
When bipolar disorder negatively impacts overall well-being and daily activities.


3 Essential Steps to Begin Your Path to Overcoming Bipolar Disorder..

We prioritize a direct and clear approach, valuing simplicity and clarity to provide an easily understandable and straightforward navigation throughout the process.

Signup For Bipolar Disorder Counseling

Effortlessly attend to your concerns by conveniently completing a brief online form within a mere 5 minutes.


Meet Your Therapist

Embark on an exploration of our services, providing you with 24/7 access to counselors who are fully prepared to meet your unique preferences and needs.


Connect To Our App

Embark on an extraordinary voyage with our app, discovering boundless possibilities through a wide array of self-care tools, thoughtfully curated transformative videos, and soothing meditations carefully crafted to elevate your overall well-being.

Depression Therapy


We are trusted by people across Canada

"TherapyMantra Canada has been a guiding light in my journey with bipolar disorder. Their compassionate counselors provided invaluable support, helping me navigate the highs and lows with resilience. With their expertise, I found stability, self-understanding, and a renewed sense of hope. I'm forever grateful for their transformative impact."

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Your questions about Bipolar Disorder, answered

Yes, counseling can play a vital role in managing bipolar disorder by providing coping strategies, emotional support, and helping individuals navigate through challenging symptoms.

Psychoeducation, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and family-focused therapy (FFT) have shown effectiveness in treating bipolar disorder.

Yes, counseling can assist in developing stress management techniques, improving coping skills, and addressing the specific stressors related to bipolar disorder.

Counseling can help family members understand bipolar disorder, learn effective communication strategies, cope with caregiver stress, and support their loved one’s treatment journey.

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