Online Therapy for Narcissistic Abuse: A Path to Healing

online therapy for narcissistic abuse

In the age of digital connectivity, where the virtual world intertwines with our daily lives, seeking support online has become a prevalent choice for individuals dealing with various challenges. One such significant area is the realm of mental health, where survivors of narcissistic abuse find solace and assistance through online therapy. In this article, we will talk about what is narcissistic abuse, the role of therapy in overcoming it, the benefits of online therapy and much more.

Understanding Narcissistic Abuse Understanding Narcissistic Abuse 

Narcissistic abuse is a form of emotional and psychological abuse inflicted by someone with narcissistic traits or narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). It often occurs in interpersonal relationships where the narcissist seeks to assert control, dominance, and power over the victim. This type of abuse can have profound and lasting effects on the mental and emotional well-being of the person targeted.

Key characteristics of narcissistic abuse include:

  • Manipulation and Gaslighting
    Narcissists often employ manipulation tactics to control and confuse their victims. Gaslighting, in particular, involves undermining the victim’s perception of reality, making them doubt their thoughts and feelings.
  • Exploitation
    Narcissists exploit others for their gain, often disregarding the needs and feelings of the victim. This can manifest in financial, emotional, or other forms of exploitation.
  • Lack of Empathy
    Narcissists typically lack empathy and are unable to understand or share the feelings of their victims. This can lead to dismissive or invalidating behaviour.
  • Verbal and Emotional Abuse
    Narcissistic abusers engage in verbal and emotional abuse, which can include insults, criticism, belittling, and other demeaning behaviours aimed at eroding the victim’s self-esteem.
  • Control and Power Dynamics
    Narcissists seek to maintain control over their victims, often through power dynamics and manipulation. They may use tactics such as isolation, intimidation, or threats.
  • Idealization and Devaluation
    Narcissists may idealize their victims initially, showering them with attention and admiration. However, over time, they often devalue and criticize the same individuals, creating a cycle of emotional instability.
  • Isolation
    Narcissists may isolate their victims from friends and family, creating a dependence on the abuser for validation and support.
  • Projection
    Narcissists frequently project their own insecurities and negative traits onto their victims, blaming them for issues that are rooted in the narcissist’s behaviour.

Role Of Therapy For Narcissistic Abuse

Therapy plays a crucial role in helping individuals recover from narcissistic abuse, providing a supportive and therapeutic environment to address the emotional, psychological, and relational consequences of such experiences. Here are key aspects of the role of therapy for survivors of narcissistic abuse:

  • Validation and Empathy
    Therapists validate the survivor’s experiences and provide empathetic understanding, acknowledging the emotional impact of narcissistic abuse.
  • Education and Awareness
    Therapists educate survivors about narcissistic abuse, helping them understand the dynamics of the relationship and the manipulative tactics employed by narcissists. This awareness is crucial for breaking through feelings of confusion and self-blame.
  • Emotional Processing
    Therapy offers a safe space for survivors to express and process their emotions related to the abuse.
  • Cognitive Restructuring
    Therapists assist survivors in challenging and changing maladaptive thought patterns developed during the abusive relationship.
  • Rebuilding Self-Esteem
    Therapy focuses on rebuilding and strengthening the survivor’s self-esteem, which is often undermined by the narcissistic abuser.
  • Setting Boundaries
    Therapists help survivors establish and maintain healthy boundaries, teaching assertiveness and communication skills.
  • Trauma Processing
    For survivors who have experienced trauma, therapy facilitates the processing of traumatic memories and emotions. Therapists may use trauma-focused approaches to help survivors integrate and make sense of their experiences.
  • Preventing Revictimization
    Therapists work with survivors to identify potential vulnerabilities and patterns that may lead to revictimization. This includes addressing codependency issues and strengthening the survivor’s ability to make healthy relationship choices.

Therapy for narcissistic abuse is often a multifaceted and individualized process, tailored to the specific needs and goals of the survivor. The therapeutic journey focuses on healing, growth, and the restoration of well-being after the profound impact of narcissistic abuse.

Benefits Of Online Therapy To Get Rid Of Narcissistic Abuse Benefits Of Online Therapy To Get Rid Of Narcissistic Abuse 

Here are some advantages of engaging in online therapy specifically tailored for those who have experienced narcissistic abuse:

  • Accessibility
    Online therapy provides survivors with access to mental health support from the comfort of their own space, removing barriers such as transportation or physical proximity to a therapist’s office.
  • Anonymity and Privacy
    Survivors can maintain more anonymity and privacy when participating in online therapy. This can be crucial for those who may be concerned about confidentiality or fear encountering the abuser in a traditional therapy setting.
  • Flexibility in Scheduling
    Online therapy often offers more flexible scheduling options, accommodating survivors with busy or unpredictable lifestyles. This flexibility allows for therapy sessions at times that suit the survivor’s needs.
  • Comfort and Safety
    Survivors can engage in therapy from the safety and comfort of their environment, minimizing potential triggers or feelings of vulnerability associated with unfamiliar therapy settings.
  • Access to Specialized Therapists
    Online therapy platforms often provide access to therapists with specific expertise in trauma, abuse, or narcissistic personality disorders. Survivors can connect with professionals who understand the nuances of their experiences.
  • Consistent Support
    Online therapy offers survivors consistent and ongoing support, which can be crucial in recovery. Regular sessions contribute to building a therapeutic relationship and addressing the long-term effects of narcissistic abuse.
  • Resource Accessibility
    Online therapy platforms may offer additional resources, such as educational materials, worksheets, or support groups, enhancing the survivor’s understanding of narcissistic abuse and providing tools for coping and healing.
  • Reduced Stigma
    Engaging in therapy online can reduce the perceived stigma associated with seeking mental health support. This may encourage survivors who may be hesitant to pursue traditional in-person therapy.

Tips For Making The Most Of Online Therapy

Making the most of online therapy involves a combination of preparation, engagement, and active participation. Here are some tips to enhance your experience with online therapy:

  • Use Compatible Devices
    Ensure your computer, tablet, or smartphone is compatible with the video conferencing platform. Test your equipment in advance.
  • Test Your Equipment
    Conduct a pre-session test to check your camera, microphone, and speakers, addressing any technical issues in advance.
  • Minimize Distractions
    Create a focused environment by turning off notifications, closing unnecessary apps, and letting others know you need uninterrupted time.
  • Be Punctual
    Treat online therapy appointments with importance, starting on time to maximize the session duration.
  • Communicate Preferences
    Clearly express your preferences for communication, topics, and any concerns you have about online therapy.
  • Establish Goals
    Work with your therapist to set clear goals, guiding the conversation and ensuring focused and productive sessions.
  • Take Notes
    Consider taking notes during sessions to enhance engagement and remember key insights or assignments.
  • Open Communication
    Foster open and honest communication with your therapist, sharing thoughts, feelings, and experiences openly.
  • Active Participation
    Actively engage in therapy by contributing to the conversation, asking questions, and participating in suggested activities.
  • Provide Feedback
    Regularly give feedback to your therapist about the online format, challenges, or adjustments you’d like to make.
  • Follow Through
    Complete homework assignments or suggested activities between sessions to enhance progress.
  • Discuss Concerns
    If you encounter challenges or have concerns, discuss them with your therapist for potential adjustments.
  • Prioritize Self-Care
    Engage in self-care practices before and after sessions to relax, reflect, and integrate therapy insights.

Implementing these tips can enhance the effectiveness of your online therapy experience, creating a positive and supportive environment for your mental health.

Online Therapy Platforms That Specialize In Treating Narcissistic Abuse Online Therapy Platforms That Specialize In Treating Narcissistic Abuse 

Finding a suitable therapist for healing from narcissistic abuse is a crucial step toward recovery. Explore these online resources to connect with the right professional from the comfort of your space:

  • MantraCare
    MantraCare specializes in mental health and offers a platform to connect with therapists providing online support for abused individuals.
  • TherapyMantra
    TherapyMantra simplifies the therapist search process, offering a user-friendly platform to find online therapists based on your specific needs.
  • Psychology Today
    Browse the extensive directory on Psychology Today, filtering therapists by specialization, location, and online therapy availability.
  • BetterHelp
    BetterHelp offers a platform for convenient online therapy. Match with licensed therapists, ensuring flexibility and accessibility.
  • provides a global directory connecting individuals with therapists offering online sessions, ensuring geographical flexibility.
  • GoodTherapy
    GoodTherapy provides a comprehensive directory, allowing you to search for therapists based on location, specialties, and online therapy options.


In conclusion, online therapy stands as a valuable and effective resource for survivors of narcissistic abuse. Its benefits, including anonymity, accessibility, and specialized support, make it a compelling option for those seeking healing and empowerment. By embracing the digital era’s opportunities, individuals can embark on a journey towards improved mental health and a renewed sense of self.

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